Mã sản phẩm: VB-VLA-001
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Products / Ball Valves / Trunnion
model A11
API 6D or API 6A Split Body Side Entry Ball Valve, Two or Three Pieces, Bolted Execution, Trunnion Mounted, Plate Supported, Spring Energized Floating Seats, Self Relieving or Double Piston Effect, Double Block and Bleed, Anti Blowout Stem, Antistatic Device.
Soft Seated or Metal-to-Metal Seated, Hardfaced with Tungsten Carbide Coating on Ball and Seats.
Manual Operated with Lever or Gear, as applicable - Pneumatic, Hydraulic or Electric Actuated.
Our Side Entry valve design is 100% in house engineered and SIL2 or SIL3 qualified, depending on whether the operator is partial stroke function actuator or not.
- Size range from ½” to 42” for API 6D and from 1 13/16” to 13 5/8” for API 6A
- ANSI Class 150 lbs to 4500 lbs
- API6A Class 3000 PSI to 20000 PSI
- Flanged ends RF or RTJ, Norsok Standard L-005 Compact Flanges, Butt-Weld Ends Hub Ends for Clamped Connections at Clients Request. Other types of flanged, welded or clamp connections are available upon request.
Materials Available
CS, LTCS, SS, Duplex SS, Super Duplex SS, 6Mo, Inconel, Incoloy, Hastelloy, Monel, Titanium.
Applicable Standard
Design: API 6D, API 6A, ASME IIX div. 1 & 2, ASME B16.34
Testing: API 598 - API 6A PSL3G, API 6A PR2 & Endurance testing upon request Fire testing per API 6FA, API 607, BS 6755 part 2
Flanged ends RF or RTJ according to ASME B16.5 up to 24” (MSS SP-44 for 22”) and B16.47A over 26”
Compact Flanges Norsok Standard L-005
Butt-weld ends to ASME B16.25.
PED 97/23/CE Cat.III
NACE MR0175 - ISO 15156-3
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